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Ram Council Fine Tunes Mission for Year 7

The Ram Council Foundation prepared all summer for an educational and exciting year for New Canaan teens and their families. Members have been busy planning ideas for new programming, expanding substance free activities and recruitment. In addition, the group has tweaked their tag line as follows: “Leadership, Personal Responsibility and Citizenship: Teens for Substance Free Living.” In addition, Newport Academy continues as the main sponsor for the Ram Council and its mission, with Bankwell New Canaan as the lead local sponsor.

First Selectman Kevin Moynihan suggested the updated branding so that other teens, and the community at large, would understand all the benefits of belonging to our dynamic group. Although substance free living is at the heart of the organization, Ram Council members participate in a host of other productive opportunities for young people. These New Canaan teens strengthen leadership skills by speaking at monthly meetings and educational forums, and engage in role play at their Annual Parent Night. They also structure and pitch proposals to potential donors and execute tasks regarding plans for our Annual Gala: Dance Party. Personal Responsibility is essential to their substance free commitment as well.

The Ram Council Foundation orchestrates numerous forums held for members and their parents. These events feature guest speakers who address money management, communication, nutrition, exercise, strengthening teen physical health, balancing academics and extracurriculars, etc. and of course, substance abuse prevention.

The student members also have the unique opportunity for community service in New Canaan. They have brought holiday cookies and visited with School House seniors, volunteered with the Chamber of Commerce to set up holiday lighting, served meals at the St. Patrick’s Day Dinner for New Canaan Kiwanis, and attended and supported 30 Days of Family through New Canaan Youth Services.

“Perhaps most important, Ram Council students and their parents attended the annual Overdose Awareness Vigil — in their distinctive t-shirts — to show there is hope as many New Canaan teens are now dedicated to healthy lifestyles, and have chosen to be alcohol and other substance free,” said Joyce Sixsmith, Ram Council president.

The Ram Council also announced they will be welcoming eighth grade student members. Plans are in the works to establish a separate eighth grade group that would be merged with the larger Ram Council in Spring ’19, to help prepare for the transition to high school.

For more information about membership in the Ram Council Foundation, contact To make a donation, visit


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